Thursday, December 1, 2011

Source 4

Troy Davis: misleading anti death penalty campaign

This article is about a man named Troy Davis. It states that because of the data presented in the June 2010 hearing, it was clear that the federal district court would rule against Davis. People involved in the jury felt like the anti death penalty group were "fed a bunch of nonsense" by their leadership and they belived it. This article is basically an argument about wheather or not Davis is guily.

Source 3

Does Death Penalty Save Lives? A New Debate.

An argument between different people. Through out the article there are people who research stating why they agree that death penalty is bad. The article states and supports that the death penalty.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Source 2

"To murder victims' families, executing killers is justice"

Summary: A man killed 3 women and is finally caught and they don't know what punishment to give him. The family wants the man (Oken) to die for the murder of the 3 women (Dawn, Patricia Hurt and Lori Ward). The family explained that it isn't about revenge the death penalty is the law.

The central argument of this article isn't really showed. The author just presented an argument with 2 different sides and distributed them equally.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Source 1

INOCENCE: "Trial by Fire: Did Texas Execute an Innocent Man?"

Summary: The state now has reason to belive that they executed an innocent man. Cameron Willingham was convicted and given the death penalty for killing his 3 children in a house fire. Cameron had eventually got tired of them saying he was guilty and wanted to avoid the death penalty so he said he did it when in reality he was innocent. After a couple of years Texas Forensic Science Commission reveived a report saying that Willingham was convicted on the basis of unsound testimony.

Central Argument: The state convicted and killed an innocent man.

Two Assertions:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Example of Logos

I thought this was a good image for 'Logos" because it has to do with the government and it give a logical appeal and it appeals to reason.

Example of Pathos

I thought this was a good image for 'Pathos' because it shows the women's emotion. You can tell that she is happy and it shows freedom.